#10 Grandparents

Double the Love

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It’s amazing to see my mother with our son!

My mother just arrived from Juárez last night. I enjoyed staying in touch with her by phone during my pregnancy, but I was anxious about that first time she would meet our son. My mom had not breastfed me, and she has never worked outside of the home. Would she think my efforts to breastfeed were unnecessary? Would she feel my interest in understanding my baby was excessive? Could she understand my worry about finding daycare so that I can return to work?

But, Grandmother is quick to explain how she had wanted to breastfeed me. "No one in the hospital or at my doctor's office knew anything about breastfeeding," she remarks. And, she has done her homework and now can list a dozen reasons why breastfeeding is best for mother and child. She is attentive to me as I work on a proper latch and is eager to rock the baby and let me rest between feedings. Over coffee we chat about the reading I have done about parenting, and I'm pleased that she is interested in my thoughts and is concerned about my worries as I think about going back to work.

The most amazing thing about my mom's visit is that she is in love with our son! She can't take her eyes off him, and she cuddles up beside me when I breastfeed!

The Science; The Role of Grandparents

Grandparents play different roles in different families. Arthur Kornhaber, MD and president of the Foundation for Grandparenting, asserts that grandparents may play the role of "ancestor, buddy, historian, hero, mentor, nurturer, role model, spiritual guide, student, teacher or wizard." 

 An “Ah-Ha” Moment: How the HUG information helps this mother

This young mother is delighted to see love grow so quickly between her baby and her mother. She soon discovers that her BABY has the capacity to bring the three of them together as they delight in getting to know and understand him.